Shipping & Return
We offer worldwide free shipping for orders over US$199 or equivalent. Orders under US$199 enjoy a flat shipping rate of US$29. For expedited shipping, please contact us after you place your order.
Once your order is received, it will be shipped within 2 to 4 days from our warehouse. The package is shipped via Hong Kong Speedpost or DHL Express. When the package arrives at the destination country, it will usually be transferred to the EMS of the local Postal Service. Your order can be tracked with the Tracking Number provided in the dispatch confirmation email.
After your order leaves our warehouse with the courier, they are fully responsible for the packages, including missing packages. For more information, please visit
For customers living outside of Hong Kong or Germany, you might have to pay local customs, import duties and taxes (such as VAT or GST), which may be charged once the package reaches its destination country. These charges must be paid by the recipient of the package. Unfortunately, PenQuin Suit has no control over these charges. Customs policies and import duties vary widely from country to country so we cannot tell you what the cost will be. We recommend you to contact your local customs office for current charges prior to completing your order.
For example, if the destination is the U.S., packages whose declared value is under $800 ($100 if being sent as a gift to someone other than the purchaser) will generally be cleared without any additional paperwork (
Customers may wish to request an additional invoice for customs purposes only.
We ship to 46 countries worldwide. At the moment we are unable to ship to countries in Africa, South America, Iceland, Russia, certain Asian and EU countries.
If you have any questions about your order, please do not hesitate to contact us at We will respond as soon as we can.
Returns & Exchanges
We want to make sure that you are fully satisfied with our products. From the day of the delivery of your order, you will have a full 60-day period to try out our products.
We will gladly accept merchandise for exchange or refund if it is returned within 60 days of receipt of the package. Items must be returned unworn, undamaged and unused, with all tags attached and brand boxes, labels and packaging included.
As the first step, please contact us at to request a return confirmation; your order number and the reason for your return are required.
Your first exchange shipping charges are on us.
If you would like to instead return any item within the 60-day period, you will receive a full refund. All refunds are processed back to the original form of payment. Shipping charges are not refundable. Please note that customers will be responsible for return and subsequent shipping fees.
You can request to send the exchange or return items to Return Collection Centres in Germany or Hong Kong.
If you have any questions or would like to return or exchange, please do not hesitate to contact us at We will respond as soon as we can.